Kimberly Penrod Pelletier

Spiritual Director | Writer | Podcaster Course Creator

What if your spouse leaving faith is not just a painful end… but the beginning of something you’ve yet imagined? 

Spiritual Direction & Coaching

Your spouse has left faith...but God has left neither of you. Find support for your relationship with God and your spouse.

In-person or virtual sessions available.   


Online Meditation Course

A 5-day journey to Meditating with Christ and retraining yourself to rest: mind, body, & soul. If you struggle with anxiety, especially during this time, check out this course and find out how God has wired hope right into your brain.


New podcast coming soon about Re:Imagining life after a spouse leaves faith.

Until then, listen to my Ask A Spiritual Director Podcast where we create safe space to explore difficult questions about spirituality and the spiritual life.

The Book Launch!


Partnership after Deconversion

9 Practices for the Mixed-Faith Marriage

Coming Spring/Summer 2024!

Your Invitation to Rest

In a once-a-month-ish newsletter. 

Receive a free guided meditation from yours truly when you sign up AND Receive a $5 OFF promo code for the online course  “Meditating with Christ: A 5-day journey to rest mind, body, & soul.”  

There are so many words in the world. Learn to listen to the still, small Voice within. 

These emails come from my own silent place and contain a few good things with uncommon refreshment. 

No spam. Ever. Eww. 


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What is Spiritual Direction?

Wondering if there is more to the spiritual life? Discerning a next step? Dried up from just going through the motions of religion or church? There is more to knowing Christ, there is a wellspring inside of you. The problem is that it’s often buried within our sorrows, suffocating under our exhaustion, or lying dormant in our bodies. Awaken your spirit with the experience of being deeply heard by an attentive, trained listener, noticing the works of God within you. Learn how to partner with the Spirit in your own becoming and connect deeply with the God who calls you Beloved.


I believe our power to love the marginalized comes by learning to love the margins of our own souls.

I’m truly a recovering perfectionist, a minimalist wannabe, a trauma survivor, a stillbirth mother, and a serious relier of the incredible power of the Spirit.

I’ve experienced God in loving and transformational ways through it all. I see all of life as an invitation.

Give me kombucha over soda, chocolate over vanilla, dogs over cats, and the forest over the beach.

Also, I’m really glad you’re here.

“There’s something about your connection to God as a woman and as a mother that is really transparent and inspiritaional!”

-ministry leader, mother

“This felt like my first real retreat in years. You created the space for us to meet with Christ ourselves, rather than over-programming our time together. This was exactly what I needed.”

-pastor, father

“Kimberly’s confidence that God was going to show up and meet me gave me the confidence to pray to that end and do my part in opening up my heart.”

-business owner, mother

“You helped me put aside the busyness of my life and attend to my own soul without distractions. My personal retreat would not have been the same without your help.” 


Ready to Re:Imagine life after your spouse’s decoversion?